Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

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Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is the real title of the bill, enacted in 2009. It is far better known as The Affordable Care Act or Obamacare. This bill represents the biggest revolution and improvement, or at least an attempt towards it, in the health care of the United States of America since the passage of Medicaid and Medicare in 1965. The main purpose of the ACA implementation was, as the bill states in its title, to make: ˝ Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans˝ possible. Before the ObamaCare, there were millions of American who were uninsured, or had poor quality insurance plan. On the other hand those who did have health care coverage, even the decent one, we left on their own when insurance companies abused their trust and deprived them of their rights. That was the reason why the government and the President Obama, hoped to increase the quality and make the health insurance more affordable. The idea was to lower uninsured rate by firstly increasing the extent of public and also private coverage, and then secondly, to minimise the costs of health care for both individuals and the government. According to what this law is trying to do is to provide equity for all eligible American citizens concerning insurance rates. The idea is based upon the principle of the same rates despite of pre-existing conditions or sex. Not to forget to ensure that insurance companies will give coverage that is within new minimum standards for all applicants. Obamacare should make sure that, at the end of the day, all Americans have at least some health care coverage. Consumers are offered discounts, called tax credits, on health insurance plan sponsored by government and increasing the Medicauid assistan... ... middle of paper ... ...h the greater degree of certainty, will we be able to see the true results of this health reform. Anyhow there is a long way for the Obama’s administration if they want to achieve vital and meaningful changes within health care system of the United States of America. And without question they will have to think on their feet, and to solve disputed and problems that might occur in the future, along the way. Works Cited

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