The Earth And The Creation Of The Earth

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Regardless of the abundance of worlds in our solar system, scientists still are not certain how planets are created. The Earth was naturally created 4.5 billion years ago. With the rise of the sun, small particles came together and became larger particles. Proceeding these events solar winds then swept away elements, such as hydrogen and helium, leaving only rocky materials. Like many other planets, earth was created from these materials. The first stage of earth’s creation was earth's core, with heavy elements colliding together. Then dense material that was originally colliding sank to the center due to the amount of pressure, while the lighter material stayed afloat and created the crust. Continuing the creation process, earth’s magnetic …show more content…

Most geologists believe that the key forming processes of the Earth was melting of much of the inner rock material. The foundation of the heat was radioactive minerals trapped in the Earth as it formed. Gradually, those minerals released heat as radioactive chemicals. The temperature rose until the rock melted. Once this occurred, heavy portions flooded downward toward the center, while low-density minerals floated toward the surface. Eventually, they solidified into a crust of low-density rock. A great example of a rock that floated to make the crust is feldspar. The creation of the core is crucial to earth’s formation. During its history, tectonic plate movement has had a vital role in shaping modern day …show more content…

Life evolved into multicellular organisms over a billion years later. In the last 570 million years of earth’s life, these organisms began to evolve, starting with arthropods, followed by fish about 530 million years ago, then land plants about 475 million years ago and then forests about 385 million years ago. It is reported that mammals didn't evolve until 200 million years ago and Homo sapiens only 200,000 years ago. So this means that humans have only been around for about 0.004% of the Earth's history. This in reference to the video The Earth through Time created by National Geographic. These changes are not easily summarized, but nevertheless it is still incredible how far life on earth has come. Earth has experienced five major extinctions with the most recent one being of 66 million years ago. Some scientists are arguing that we are currently experiencing another mass extinction, and that it is one of the most unique one yet because it is caused by

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