Essay On Population Extinction

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Humans are very quickly dominating the globe. Today, the human population is around 7 billion people. Humans are populating at a rate of almost 220,000 per day! Humans are rapidly heading towards Earth’s carrying capacity. Earth has gone through five fully major extinctions before. We currently are in the process of Earth’s sixth mass extinction. This mass extinction is closely related in severity to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Earth’s extinctions are broken into three different areas. The first area was the large number of animals caught by hunter-gathers. The discovery of agriculture led to the second area of extinction, wildlife habitats. These wildlife habitats were destroyed due to humans starting to stay in one area. …show more content…

Social problems are a rising problem caused by population growth. One of most well-known problems is the overcrowding of an area. Cities like New York and Washington D.C. are ridiculously crowded. Due to the increase of population in the city, the cost of living is much higher. The unemployment rate is also higher due to the lack of jobs over the amount of people living in the city. This causes for an increase in the crime rate. Criminals all have different motives, and one of the main motives is survival. Banks and stores are constantly robbed due to the high amount of unemployment. Families are stealing just to be able to put food on the table and clothes on their …show more content…

Due to the lack of decency and respect in this generation, society has become very dark. There is poor parenting taking place in this overpopulated world, and it is effecting all the future generations. Teenage parents, are uneducated and unprepared to be to raise a child. They believe they are responsible enough to take on the world and raise a family. Unfortunately, this is false information. Considering they are teenagers, they were unable to get their lives set up for success, and then they make the same parenting mistakes multiple times and end up with a huge family way below the poverty line. For every married couple, two children are all it takes to keep the world’s population at a constant rate. In too many families, there are more than two children, causing to exceed the death rate. In Overpopulation: Causes, Effects and Solutions, Rinkesh Kukreja

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