Organization Behavior

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Organization Behavior

In order to better understand the concepts of organizational behavior, several key terms need to be defined and explained. Some of these key terms include organizational behavior, organizational culture, diversity, communication, organizational effectiveness and efficiency, and organizational learning. To get a better understanding of each of these terms, examples will be given for each term as it applies to National Gypsum Company.

Organizational behavior is defined as the study of individuals and groups in organizations. (Schermerhorn, 2005) Organizational behaviors are the way in which employees or teams conduct themselves with in the organization. The organization may set the tune with its mission, vision, and value statements, and also through the plants handbook. These guides are used to ensure that the entire organization is working towards the same goals and conducting them selves in a manner that is considered positive by the management team. Overall, National Gypsum strives to be the best gypsum wallboard manufacturer at the lowest cost. The plants within the organization, through the guidance of the vision, value, and mission statement, work towards accomplishing this goal. With limited resources in place due to production budgets put in place by the organization the plants operate in a manner that is considered to be appropriate by the organization. Individuals and teams with in the plants may do things differently and be effective, but when you look at the big picture the organizations guidelines are being met at all levels.

Organizational culture is defined as the system of shared actions, values, and beliefs that develops within an organization and guides the behavior of its members. (Scher...

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...ality product that is put into the housing market.

Organizational learning is defined as the process of acquiring knowledge and utilizing information to adapt successfully to changing circumstances. (Schermerhorn, 2005) To be successful organizations need to learn from their past, their mistakes, their competitors, and technology. These are just a few ways that organizations need to learn so that they can keep up in the fast paced world. National Gypsum, at the plant level, uses log books to record data, record successes, and record mistakes so that they may learn from this information and cut production loss in future runs.


Abate, Frank. (1998). Diversity. In Oxford American Dictionary (1996th ed., p. 238). New York: Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc.

Schermerhorn. (2005). Organizational Behavior (7th ed.). New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

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