Nursing: A Fusion of Science, Art, and Compassion

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Nursing is a science and art . Nursing as a science is a knowledge of knowing the medications being able to assign nursing diagnosis and so on while in the other hand nursing as a Art are something Innate like respond to the patient’s needs,treat them with compassion and educate them patiently. “the art of nursing is more than a great deal of science. It is more than just knowing; it is doing. It bridges information from nurses to patients in a skillful way. It is the application of all the science known to nursing to give the utmost care the patient needs”(Chua, 2014).Nursing is a highly respectful and profession field which focused on the care of individuals , prevention , treatment and protection . It is taking care of illness and injury …show more content…

It should have a logical and congruence, coherence and continuity. In my philosophy of the nursing, Nurses have responsibilities to the public to provide safe and secure environment, and patient centered care. Patients are individuals who require care and attention. We as nurses should use our nursing judgment to help meet the patient needs , and as an advocators should encourage them in the decision making and in their treatment plan. We as a nurse also have commitment to learn and improve our knowledge and skills . Everyone has their own philosophy so as nurses grow in their nursing profession their individual nursing philosophy will grow too. My personal core value and belief as an individual is honesty, kindness, learning, and improve my skills. I believe that core of nursing is knowledge, safety , and integrity, which my philosophy of nursing corelate with the core of nursing so keep the focus on the patient needs , safety ,and treatment. Nurse uses his/her philosophy of nursing to explain what he/she believes nursing is , the role nursing plays in the health care field, and how they interact with patients, and what is the nursing

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