Persuasive Essay For Community College

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The months feel like years and the days seem like months for a young girl facing the next milestone in her life, college. Everyone who surrounds her has a sense of direction on what the next path in his or her life entails. Stony Brooke, Penn State, NYU were the names that came out of the people who surrounded her. The names may have been fascinating to others but to her, it was just words that slipped out of peoples’ mouths. The names became the people who surrounded her. As for the young girl with the sweaty palms and drained eyes, knew nothing about the path that awaits her. Each and every day she would wait for admissions to give her a response. A girl with a low Sat score, a standard GPA, and no financial aid can only expect various rejections and possibly one or two acceptances. She knew she was just a statistic to society, even if she invested all her time to write a compelling essay that would hopefully catch the eye of a merciful admissions officer. Unfortunately, everyone isn’t born with luck, as she expected every college rejected her and she didn’t have a choice but to attend Community College. Her outcome wasn’t bad but in …show more content…

Many of the negative misconceptions a person has on a two-year schools come from the deficient amount of information they know. Perhaps an Associates degree may not help a newly graduate find a job but community colleges can set students on a path to pursuing their major in a four-year university. Factors such as advertisement are large barrier on people not fully understanding the goal of two-year

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