When you think of America, you think of a land of freedom. A beautiful place where all is harmonious, equal, and peaceful. You visualize a world in which love is inevitable; a place of comfort where everyone has the right to marry their beloved ones. This in fact, is not the case with same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage has been scrutinized throughout the nation, especially in America, for decades. I strongly support the idea that individuals of the same-sex should have the freedom and equality throughout their marriage just like anyone else.
The first reason that should be discussed about same-sex marriage is discrimination. Who are we to discriminate against anyone? Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender sex, should all be treated just as equal as the heterosexuals. We are all of the same human form. Where is our humanity if we tell people of the same-sex that they are not recognized to acquire marriage and have the same legal rights as we do? It is clearly stated in the American Constitution that everyone deserves the same, equal rights. Not allowing same-sex couples to have a valid marriage is not only discriminating, it also disrobes them of their freedom.
Another reason to allow same-sex marriage is to embrace the divine culture of life and love. If civilization cannot distinguish the love between the two; it's almost as if we are saying that it's acceptable to die. How could one sit back and witness another life to fade away? Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender teens, as well as young adults, have one of the highest rates of bullying and suicide attempts.
One case in particular, was that of gay college student Matthew Shepard, who was violently beaten and left for dead. The crime occurred in the wee to...
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...e-sex couples deserve the same commitment, after all, they are committed to each other.
In a new book, Debating Same-Sex Marriage, John Corvino expresses his thought on same-sex marriage. He wrote... In all or nearly all human societies, marriage is socially approved sexual intercourse, conceived as both a personal relationship and an institution. Primarily such that any children resulting from the union are – and are understood by the society to be – emotionally, morally, practically, and legally affiliated with both of the parents. Among other things, we need to distinguish between why people get married (often for love; sometimes for security, or money, or other reasons) and why society recognizes marriage.
Works Cited
Corvino, John - Debating Same-Sex Marriage - 2010 Book
Polaski, Adam - Freedom To Marry - 2012 - Blog
Wikipedia - Suicide Among LGBT Youth
Within America’s society today, 3.8 percent of the population is gay, lesbian, or bisexual. With only 17 of the 50 states legalizing and recognizing this type of relationship (“History…”), it puts a stronghold on same-sex couples to publicly declare their love with the promise of marriage. Same-sex marriages should be legalized because everyone has equal rights of freedom and liberty.
Legalizing gay marriage has been a controversial topic in the past few years. In my opinion, gay people should be allowed to get married because it is a civil right. It shouldn 't matter what gender they prefer because they 're still regular people. Making gay marriage illegal, is the same as taking away someone 's freedom and civil rights. That is unethical and completely awful. There 's no harm being done by letting two people who are in love with each other get married. However, many religious fundamentalists are against this and believe gay marriage is wrong and needs to be stopped. Homosexual couples should have the right to get married because it 's a civil right and their sexual preference doesn 't make them any less human.
The murder of Matthew Shepard who was gay and only had 21 year’s old, happened in the state of Wyoming in 1999. Just before Matthew was murdered, he was in a bar and ask Russell Henderson and Aaron McKinney for a ride home. These two agreed to take Matthew home, however they had different intentions. “Subsequently, Shepard was robbed, severely beaten, and tied to a fence in a remote area” (Burns & McNamara, 2008, p. 182). Unfortunately, the attack on Matthew left him with a fractured skull and severe brain damage. This cause death of Shepard four days after the attack occur. There was no doubt this was a hate crime that Aaron and Russel committed against Shepard just because of his homosexual orientation.
Same-sex cohabitation and marriage should be legal because these marriages are just as successful as or more so than heterosexual marriages. “According to a 2007 report published by the Pew Research Center, ‘more Americans say that the main purpose of marriage is forming a lifetime union between two adults for their mutual happiness and fulfillment (65%) than say its main purpose is forming a lifetime union between two adults for the purpose of bearing and raising children (23%)’” (Amy B. Becker). According to Cynthia G. Wagner’s “Homosexual Relationships”, Lawrence A. Kurdek of Wright State University states homosexual partners conflict resolutions go more smoothly than their male and female counterparts. Therefore, if these gay people treat each othe...
... what can be considered one of the most forward thinking countries in the world. The longer we hold out on allowing homosexual couples to marry, the further we will fall behind in the world. We cannot continuously look down upon other countries degradation of particular minorities while we continue to do the same thing in our own country. Gay marriage it simply gives another minority the opportunity to express their love. Being married involves legal matters, and religion is simply something that we have added to it. The ideals of marriage have been ever-evolving and we as Americans, the pillar of modernization, the ever futuristic mainstay, should be open-minded enough to evolve even more to benefit the homosexual community. If not open-minded enough, look at the laws: America established itself upon the ideals of equality for all. We should follow our own rules.
Opponents of same-sex marriage have about as many reasons to not allow gay marriage as supporters have to allow it. One reason people don't want gays getting married is because in most religions, it is a sin to be attracted to the same gender, and completely unspeakable to marry them. (TFP Student Action; page 1) They think that if we were to allow gays to marry, it would promote the acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle, and society would be forced to accept it. (TFP Student Action; page 1) Children would get confused after seeing two men/women getting married at a church, and may think they can behave this way, even if their religion is against it. (TFP Student Action; page 1) Schools could even begin to teach about the gay culture, due to it being so socially accepted. (TFP Student Action; page 1)
One of the most famous court cases about a gay person being victimized by a hate crime is the Matthew Shepard case. Matthew Shepard was a college student that was kidnapped, pistol whipped and left for dead tied to a fence in near freezing temperatures for 18 hours (Brooke, (1998). He was at a bar minding his business when two males came in a car and stopped
What makes a good person good? According to WikiHow, "We should learn to define our own morals ourselves. One of the simplest ways to do so is to love others, and treat them as you would like to be treated. Try to think of others before yourself. Even doing small things daily will greatly enrich and improve your life, and the lives of others around you." This quote shows us what we need to do in order to be what society thinks as, “good". In order to be a good person, you have to do good and moral things in your society consistently. However people might think that by doing one good thing once in a while will automatically make you a “good person”, but in reality it doesn’t.
There are many people in society who still don’t accept same sex marriages and therefore need to be presented with reasons why it shouldn’t be an issue. They need to be further educated or enlightened as to why it isn’t wrong. As stated in the Charter of rights and Freedom, everyone has the right to freedom of speech, opinion and beliefs. Therefore, if a person chooses to be in a relationship with a person of the same sex, what authority does society have to tell them otherwise? In addition to that, people who are married to the same sex are normally abused in society. They are shunned by their families because of their choices. Although it can be a very sensitive topic for many, it is recommended that people keep trying to enlighten others about same sex marriage or until they are able to understand and accept same sex marriages.
I should receive a passing grade in this class because I can write now. Not just an exaggeration, but after another semester of English I finally feel confident that can write. Three of the reasons behind my confidence is I learned, I experienced and best of all I repeated. These three values helped prepare me for what is in store in English 1302 and here is why.
Legal marriage is the right of all Americans regardless of their sexual orientation. Gay marriage is certainly a hot button issue. It invokes an emotional dialogue filled with passion, rage, hate and fear. However, at the base of it all, are two people who are in a committed relationship living normal and productive lives and contributing to society in a positive manner. This issue is being debated in every state of the union, and will eventually go to the Supreme Court.
Critical Thinking Essay for Persuasive Speech Persuasive Speech always been used in our everyday life to communicate to the world to believe someone ideas are true. Having an excellent persuasive skills take time to master the argument one point at a time to be able to convince the audience to do the right actions. For example, Malala Yousafzai (2014) gave the speech to persuade the audiences of her own country is suffering a terrorist conflicts to convince her audiences to help make the world a better place and described education is more powerful than anything else.
Gay and lesbian unions have been for a long time a subject that no one liked to discuss. For the last few decades, gays and lesbians have come out and expressed their sexuality preferences. Many believe that same sex marriage should not be legalized because it's against the moral. It's against the definition of marriage, which is considered as the union of a man and a woman as a husband and wife. Same sex marriage should be legalized because the way society views the union of lesbian and gays can a change. Another reason why same sex marriage should be legalized is that children that are issued from a gay or lesbian couple will be loved and raised in a family that is legally recognized under the law. Lesbians and gays also deserve to have the same rights as heterosexuals.
Firstly I will discuss the reasons for marriage equality. I argue marriage equality is in the best interest for family life. Allowing homosexuals to form stable committed relationships through marriage would allow for healthier homosexual relationships. You can’t prevent people from being homosexual however giving those people the right to marry can help them experience greater personal happiness. Studies have suggested that not only does legalizing marriage in an area generally make homosexual individuals in that area happier; it also makes them physically and mentally healthier and saves them money on health care (Hatzenbuehler, O’Cleirigh, Grasso, Mayer, Safren, & Bradford, 20012). I don’t see any compelling reason to take away the joy homosexuals get from marriage, this is one of the many reasons I support marriage equality.
Marriage is just one way for two people to show their love for another. Whether it is two men, two women, or a man and a woman, love is love. People against gay marriage do not have the right to deny people of showing their love for one another. Everyone deserves the same rights as Americans and also just as people. The United States of America promotes freedom, liberty, and justice for all people. Same-sex couples are many times not included when it comes to marriage rights.