The Pros And Cons Of Negotiation

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Negotiation is a discussion between two or more disputants who are trying to work out a solution to their problem. This interpersonal or inter-group process can occur at a personal level, as well as at a corporate or international (diplomatic) level. Negotiations typically take place because the parties wish to create something new that neither could do on his or her own, or to resolve a problem or dispute between them. The parties acknowledge that there is some conflict of interest between them and think they can use some form of influence to get a better deal, rather than simply taking what the other side will voluntarily give them. In this essay, we will compare the similarity and difference between two negotiation books namely, “Getting …show more content…

Identifying our best alternative is especially important because this is what gives us leverage in a negotiation. With a strong alternative we are more powerful in the negotiation.

Both books talk about the negotiating power during the negotiation process. In his book, George Siedel talks about how there are two sources of power in negotiation. First, information in general is an important source of power. Second, specific information about your and the other side’s BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement) can be used to increase your power and weaken the power of the other side. And he emphasized that a one of the characteristic of a good negotiator is that he is a “careful listener”. He said, to “receive” information, negotiators must not only ask questions; they must listen carefully to answers. The ability to listen distinguishes skilled negotiators from average negotiators and it is also an important leadership skill (Siedel). While in the getting to yes! Explains that negotiating power can be developed and improved by BATNA. Applying knowledge, time, money, people, connections, and wits into

devising the best solution for you independent of the other side's assent. The more easily and happily you can walk away from a negotiation, the greater your capacity to affect its …show more content…

The dictionary definition of ethics is: "a system of moral principles or values; the rules or standards governing the conduct of the members of a profession; accepted principles of right or wrong." Ethics establish the means of doing what is right, fair and honest. In their book, getting to yes, Richard fish and William fry explores the intricacies of ethics in negotiations addressing questions like what to do if your counterpart in the negotiation process throw you off balance? Or what if he escalates his demands just when you are on the verge of agreement? (Fisher & Ury). In the Negotiating for Success by George siedel, the author describes a set of ethical guidelines to follow such as law-based ethical standards. To conceptualize the relationship between law and ethics, visualize two overlapping circles. The circle on the left represents legal principles and the circle on the right represents ethical principles. The section of the legal circle that does not intersect the ethical circle represents legal rules that have little or nothing to do with ethics. For example, the law for citizens drinking alcohol in some countries is 21 but in other countries it is 18 years of age. This is simply a legal rule of convenience that is unrelated to ethical considerations. The section of the ethics circle that does not intersect the legal circle represents situations where the law does not

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