Albert Camus's View On The Meaning Of Life

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Furthermore, one philosophy that could be rejected because of my view on the meaning of life was the view of life being the absurd. Looking at life as the absurd means that we have an awareness of existing in a meaningless or irrational world. Camus shows us that we have one side of humans who are trying to find the meaning of life and on the other side you have those who think life is meaningless. This means that if people find life meaningless per the view of the absurd that suicide becomes to loom as a solution. Once they point out that their life has no meaning and possibly have proven to themselves that they have no answers for any of life’s meaning, combined with the inability of human need to want to solve them, they would choose death …show more content…

Choosing to say no represents the unreasonable silence of the world and yes being the human need to find the meaning. Camus view of the absurd is that life is a collision of having to ask questions of meaning and purpose, and the impossibility of getting these answers. This is showing that life has no meaning because no one knows what life is going to present. If people, follow this it would inevitable point them in the direct that their life is meaningless so killing one’s self is the only solution. Under this philosophy people begin to question why they follow the same routine from waking up, eating, working, eating, and sleeping then repeating it all week. Once they begin to question what they are doing they begin to realize they are living this meaningless life or a life of the absurd. This is because the combination of the universe and mankind produces an irrational world that doesn’t follow any rules. At any giving time, anything can happen and this uncertainty is what causes the absurd to form. It also shows that as humans we are not very important in the grand scheme of things because we cannot control the …show more content…

Under this philosophy, it states that we face choices in life and it shows what kind of people they are by their choices. Showing what is right and wrong, and there is no way of being guided through these choices. This view also states that we can make and choice we want in life. However, this view is wrong because we truly aren’t free because we can’t do anything we want. We cannot go around killing people in society and expect to be free to go after it. Sure, nothing is stopping people from doing this but once they do, they lose all freedom they have. Now instead of being free they become a convicted felon who will either be killed or locked into a jail cell. Does this not show that we aren’t completely free? If we were completely free we would be able to do whatever we wanted, and total chaos would consume the world. Instead since these things have great consequences it deters many people from doing them because they deem their survival to be have more meaning. Showing that the meaning of life is based around survival. If not people would go around doing whatever they wanted. This is exactly why food has a price on it and we do not get it for free. We aren’t free to just go into the grocery store and start picking up whatever food we want without paying for it. Once again this is illegal and we would suffer consequences to our survival if caught doing so. Instead we are forced to do some type of work in

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