Rhetorical Performance Reflection Paper

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My rhetorical performance is a 46 second video presentation encouraging African American women to continue their education. This semester I was inducted into the National Society of Leadership and Success and during one of the speaker broadcasts we were encouraged to intentionally add value to the lives of other people. From that moment, I created L.E.A.D which stands for Learning to Educate and Advocate for our Daughters. This will be a non-profit organization geared toward encouraging young African American women to continue their education and confront racial stereotypes. Hopefully, my rhetorical performance video will be a tool that I can use to show these young women that they can be successful even if it is Against All Odds.
To begin,
The word “ARE” is capitalized to add further emphases on the idea of “being”. I am telling these young women that these images are not reflections of their true being. The next slide shows positive images of African American women. There is an image of an educator, a doctor as well as a judge. The women in these images are attentive and appear confident. The background is unchanged and the words are in red. I continued using the words “WE” and “ARE” which reiterate the importance of a collective effort and sense of being. However, the word “ARE” in this slide is associated with positive images and thus I am reiterating the idea of who these young women can become. The third slide is the “but” slide. Instead of verbally lecturing my audience about the importance of education I am making a visual plea. This is where I appeal to logos by showing my audience that if they want to defy those stereotypes and be successful they must start with obtaining a valuable education. Education is capitalized because I am stressing the importance of getting an education. The fourth slide serves as the peak of the presentation. All that appears on this slide is the word “AND” again in red with animation around it. This was done to strategically leave

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