Counsellor And Counselling Case Scenarios

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This essay is about my prospective of two case studies, relating to the scenario’s as a ‘third person’, with enthuses on refection, I’ll reframe from that third person, it’s about placing myself in the shoes of the counsellor and walking in their shoes.
(Ricoeur, as citied in McLeod, 2001: 21).
Ricoeur calls this a ‘narrative commitment’, where we follow the other
– literally walking in their shoes – for an insight into where the other ‘comes from’.

The belief of the counsellor A in scenario 1 encompasses thoughts of an unpleasant relationship. Thoughts projected from the counsellor for instance; (a) ‘people can prevent something becoming known’, and (b) ‘most relationships end in the long run’. This implied and assumed that all relationship will eventually turn into an …show more content…

implications and impact of each different counsellor belief on the counselling relationship, process and overall outcome.
According to (Mezirow, Jack, 1987, pg. 214). We form habits and categories these events, as ‘Meaning Schemes’, like rules to our life. ‘Meaning perspectives’, draws our attention to our assumptions from our experiences and habits. The habits are used to form an interpretation of our expectation thought our ideas and our mind

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