Giving Up In School Essay

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I sat in the corner of my bed wondering if I should give up or keep on moving. I felt ambivalent about giving up on school. At the same time, I thought about what my parents would think or say when I would tell them that I no longer wanted to be in school. I also thought of what I would do if I actually left school. After deciding I would stay in school until I graduated, I realized that hard work and perseverance will get a person where they want to be. I was in the midst of my second semester in high school in my sophomore year. It was already the last of days of March. My teacher was giving out the student report cards. After getting my report card, I took a deep breath because I was certain I was failing most of my classes. Right away I could see I had failed four of my classes with grades below a 50. I was disappointed in myself, but I wasn’t surprised knowing that I had failed. I would barely go to school and never did my …show more content…

I sat in the corner of my bed thinking If I should give up or keep on moving. I felt ambivalent about giving up on school. I thought of my mother and father being disappointed in me. I had to choose between giving up or continuing in school. I also thought about the consequences of dropping out. I asked myself “What will I do after I drop out?” I knew if I dropped out I would probably end up working for minimum wage and my parents would be more disappointed than ever. I finally decided I had to keep on going to school, but I had to try my best as well. After I got to school I went to my counselor’s office to get informed on what I could do to increase my grades. I had the choice of going to summer school and tutorial in order to make my grades better. I decided to be more active in class and actually do my homework. After a month my grades had slightly increased. I could see my parents were happy once again now that I had decided to stay in

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