Personal Essay: My Best Friend

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All my life I’ve met a lot of people and have had a lot of different friends with their own personalities and characteristics. My best friend since I’ve moved from D.C. to West Virginia, has one characteristic that stands out the most in my eyes over everyone else. He loves to try new things no matter what he heard from others that wanted to doubt his ideas. His dedication to the things that he is passionate about is outstanding. He has shown that when he wants something that he will dedicate every living second to what it is. I first realized that his dedication for things was his predominant trait was when we played basketball together my sophomore year of high school. We always stayed at each other houses over the weekend and even weekdays. We both wanted to be on varsity that year, so we pushed each other on and off the court. However, his drive to be the best was stronger than mine at the time, so no matter what we did the night before he was awake the next morning for his workouts at six am. He would run across town in a weight trainer’s vest and mask. His dedication was limitless no matter what he found a way to get the job done. I can think back to when we wanted to become YouTube famous and wanted to make money doing it. We knew and watch a lot of people making …show more content…

He ended up having to make a new channel to promote his main channel. He posted anything that he thought would get him views. It began to work with in a short period of time. People started to subscribe to him and view grew from tens to hundreds. He developed a basic fan base that started to bring him money due to the high amount of views he was getting. Making a few hundred dollars every other week was going well, but holding the fan base was becoming difficult. With his parents on his back about not having a job and getting his GED done, he was still dedicated to his YouTube

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