Reflective Essay On The Movie Precious

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The year, 2009, was an exceptionally memorable time for me. This is the year I earned a partial college scholarship to the college of my dreams, the first year I received a job solely through my own efforts, and more importantly the year I graduated from high school with a high academic marks. In addition to these memorable things, I recall seeing the movie Precious for the first time in theatres. Can you say, “Waterworks USA?” I distinctly remember hysterically crying, walking out of the movie theatre telling my significant other “the worse part this movie is it is based off of a true story.” So, imagine my disappointment at the beginning of the semester, when Professor Evans stated the class had to watch the movie Precious for analytical purposes. Not only did I have to watch this horrific movie for the second time, I have to indisputably focus on different themes and topics of this movie.
As expected, observing the movie Precious for the second time, it drained me of every emotion out of me simultaneously. These were the same emotions I experienced …show more content…

This movie touches on many problematical topics that will have affected the lives of our future clients, such as poverty stricken home environments, substance abuse, poor academic abilities, most importantly, physical and sexual abuse, which ironically the name of this course. Research states “one in four girls and one in 6 boys is sexual abused before the age of 18 and of those girls 30 to 40 percent of those attacks are committed by family members and 50 percent by people whom they know” (BJS,2015). Because many of these survivors will not disclose or is unable to receive adequate psychological treatment, there is a strong likelihood these individuals will grow up with self-esteem issues, difficulty in social relationship, anxiety, depression, and are higher risk for substance abuse and incarceration

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