Monsanto: A Sustainable Agriculture Company

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Farmers, especially soybean and cotton farmers are Monsanto’s largest customer base. Round Up, the glyphosate-based herbicide developed in the 1970s by Monsanto is used by approximately eighty eight percent of all US farmers (Gregory, 2013). To make this even more attractive, the development of Round Up resistant seeds, basically genetically altered seeds, which Monsanto developed and holds rights to has enabled farmers to spray crops at will, knowing that weeds will be killed and the Round Up resistant crops will live. According to Chris Holman, patent lawyer and professor at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, Monsanto is similar to Microsoft, in that it has dominance over this particular community of farmers, much like Microsoft dominates the computer world with the Windows operating system (Gregory, 2013). Monsanto’s patent on the chemical composition of Round Up has run out, opening the door for other companies to develop similar herbicides. As a retailer that sells the product and now others like it, I have seen the very expensive Round Up herbicide become much more a...

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