Persuasive Essay On Milk

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Poison or as some would call it “milk” is frequently found at the top of many household grocery lists. It is our morning meal. It is what is given to our children. Yet how much is really known about milk. Milk can be produced from many species but cow, sheep and goat milk are most popularly consumed. In 2010, the USDA’s dietary guidelines increased the recommended servings of milk from two to three cups a day. This is because milk is a prime source for three important nutrients; calcium, potassium, and vitamin D. Not everyone thinks that was a good idea. According to Harvard’s food pyramid, though, milk is not an essential part of a healthy diet and can actually pose risks. They have even went as far as labeling the milk recommendations as a “step in the wrong direction.” One the most well known critics is Walter Willett professor of epidemiology and head of the nutrition department at the Harvard School of Public Health. USDA main argument is that drinking milk or equivalent dairy products will reduce the risk of fractures and increase bone mass. But in fact there’s very little evidence that milk consumption is associated with reduced …show more content…

Nobody can dispute that cow’s milk is an excellent food source for calves. Weighing around 100 pounds at birth, a calf typically gains approximately eight times its weight by the time it is weaned. But unlike humans, once calves are weaned, they never drink milk again. And the same applies to every mammalian species on this planet. Also, each mammalian species has its own “designer” milk, and cow’s milk is no exception. For example, cow’s milk contains on average three times the amount of protein than human milk which creates metabolic disturbances in humans that have detrimental bone health consequences. Mother’s milk is excellent nourishment for human babies, but its composition is very different from cow’s

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