Analysis Of Mentoring Into Vocation

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In his book, Mentoring into Vocation, Dr. Fowler argues that baptism of a Christian does not make a great difference until the church helps the baptized to recognize his or her purpose/ authenticity. (117-8) Mention of the poem “Covenant” addresses a wholesome concept of what means to be a mentee and experience transformation. It hits on the significance of our purpose of call as Christians and future clergies, to “tend the seed and till the soil” (59) and understand context of the mentoring journey. (143)
Dr. Fowler points out the work of mentoring as “a place” that helps the mentee learn about his or her “gifts and graces.” (122) This statement is deeply connected to Dr. Fowler’s previous statements about the mentor not controlling the …show more content…

(148) The mentee, according to Dr. Fowler, might say “This I believe!” (146) This would happen when both mentor and mentee are able to address Jesus’s question of who Jesus is, which is mentioned in John 14:6. In my view, I support this with 1 Corinthians 12:9 that says “To others the same Spirit gives faith.” (NRSV) To explicate this, I would state that the faith consisting of belief in God and God’s presence or God’s involvement in that mentoring journey, is expressed as mentioned above, but can only be said with the help of the Holy Spirit that gives faith to the mentee, as a gift. (148) This is related to Dr. Fowler’s claim of discerning one’s gifts. (122) Though mentees are afraid of making mistakes, (148) the work of the Holy Spirit continues. In the words of Dr. Fowler, “it’s on behalf of God, we shoulder the responsibility.” I understand this view that those that are going through the mentoring journey are not going on their own, it is because God has chosen them. I support this with Dr. Flower’s statement that “Being a pastor is not a solo event, it’s a relational event. Pastors are called by God.” Therefore pastors, who are mentoring the new pastors, are fulfilling their task of “throughout” (157) tending the seeds of faith and helping the seeds mature spiritually, tilling the ground for provision of manure to nurture those seeds of faith so that they can proclaim who Jesus is. (159) This is directly pointing to “let me be employed by thee or laid aside for thee.” (Covenant p.117) The gifts are many but the tasks may vary. Some might as mentors be called to do the employing by tilling, while some might have work to be set aside as a mentee or seed to be mentored by a

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