Marketing In Healthcare And Marketing

2524 Words6 Pages

The world keeps changing, and so does healthcare and marketing. The relationship between these two parameters has been studied and continues to be an object of great interest, both in terms of the consumers of this industry and rapidly evolving healthcare service providers. What seems most interesting to me is the fact that, the consumer today is still naïve about how actually this industry markets its services. This tends to happen because health is a matter of concern to each one of us, and when certain services are highlighted and provided to us like a gift package, we accept it without a second thought. This has been observed by the experts in the field of healthcare markets and hence, they keep coming up with brilliant strategies to sell us their services, and keep us happy.
Healthcare is a dynamic enterprise by nature which devotes immense resources for the creation of new therapies, drugs and aiding medical devices. Beyond this technological advancement, there is also a financial insight which involves the short and long term planning in this sector. This insight continues to change over time due to the constant barrage of mergers and acquisitions in healthcare organizations. The entry of profit components in this industry is making it compulsive for such organizations to shift the marketing function from the periphery of healthcare to the centers.
The entry of marketing was observed some three decades ago, but still it offers a wide scope of inputs and developments. The aim of this paper is to explain why healthcare, as a market, is different from any other existing market.

Marketing in Healthcare: its emergence and growth

Although communication and public relations functions existed prior to the en...

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...iefs also contributes to this step.

4. Reaching out to customers:
Advertising of the array of services, upgrades or entry of new departments or specialties is extremely important. Presence in local print media is the easiest way to get this done. Also, advertising on television’s most viewed channels if within the budget is a good option. Hiring a PR consultant helps reaching out to customers effectively if the organization cannot manage to sketch out their own plans.

5. Bringing in insurance:
It is essential for hospitals to impanel with insurance companies and corporates. This facilitates patient friendly financial services in-house.

6. A handy marketing team:
To carry out all the above mentioned marketing operations, a spirited marketing team needs to be formed. Execution of plans will only be carried out if the hospital has a proactive marketing department.

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