Marital Vows: A Contemplation

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Marriage is a union to which one should not join lightly; subsequently, it is important for a couple to contemplate upon the relationship and what the couple is promising to do. Before promising another person how they will treat them during the marital relationship, one needs to take stock of their partnership, one’s feelings towards the other partner, and assess the capabilities of both persons. Next, it is important to examine one’s own likes, dislikes, and other pertinent information to the union. In order to not completely reinvent the process of making these vows, it is important to look at examples of other marital vows. One’s next step is to write down some general concepts that are important to that person’s vows. Finally, after much contemplation, one should be ready to write her / his vows. In this way, one shall be able to promise commitment to the most important person in one’s life.
Although people often make the same vows- pledge of allegiance, swearing into the military or public office, statement of beliefs or a creed in church – several times, it is important to understand the implications of a vow. Merriam-Webster’s on-line dictionary (2014) define a vow as, “[A] solemn promise or assertion; specifically: one by which a person is bound to an act, service, or condition” (Merriam-Webster, 2014). Unlike other vows which curiously are repeated over and over again, marriage vows are typically meant to be said once (unless they are said to commemorate a special occasion such as a 50th wedding anniversary). If the intention of the person is to make such a vow, then it should be important to first observe why they are making that vow.
When looking to make a vow to one’s perspective life p...

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...ant to first review vows that others have written. Once one has done her / his research, one can start to incorporate different ideas into her / his personal marital vows. When writing one’s vows, it is important to understand that she / he is writing how they promise to treat their partner. In conclusion, it is extremely important to receive one’s partner’s input, too.

Works Cited

Merriam-Webster. (2014, May 13). vow. Retrieved from Marriam-Webster:

Piyanada, B. W. (2008). The Bodhi Tree Grows in L.A.: Tales of a Buddhist Monk in America. Boston: Shambhala Publications, Inc.

Smith, R. L. (1998). A Quaker Book of Wisdom. New York: Eagle Brook.

The Episcopal Church. (2014, May 13). An Order for Marriage. Retrieved from The (Online) Book of Common Prayer:

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