Life Experiences Guide My Mission

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“Life isn’t about finding yourself, Life is about creating yourself,” – George Bernard Shaw My goal in life is to be a great friend and wife to my fiancé. An exceptional and admirable mother that teaches her children not just right and wrong, but how to be healthy, happy, successful, responsible adults who can do the same for their families. I don’t want to lose sight of who I am and the person I am meant to be in the process. All the while, enjoying every bit of life and making every moment count. My Guide Life experiences are what guide me in accomplishing my mission. Through the people I meet and the places I travel I witness different cultures and values. This in turn ignites a spark of desire inside of me to understand why people do certain things, or why they hold values so different from my own. As I learn and understand I become more tolerant and can pass my knowledge on to others. I will not let stereotypes created by the media or others break my process for being happy. My process will allow me to become a better decision maker and avoid making snap-judgments. Important Relationships My Fiancé: Being engaged for me is like running a marathon. At first you take off all happy, full of excitement thinking, “No sweat, I can do this!” Then there are the hills. Down hills breeze right by, but those up hills, boy, you start thinking, “What am I doing here?” “This is ridiculous! I should just quit!” Pretty soon everything hurts; parts of you even go numb. Then you remember why you started this race in the first place. You learn to pace yourself and just enjoy running. I got engaged to my fiancé so I can grow old with my best friend in the world. And sometimes we loudly remind each other of that. Future Children: Althoug... ... middle of paper ... ...drained of energy to communicate with people and friends. So I just would like a simple personal mission for myself to be a great wife, a loving mother, a caring friend, and an innovative imaginative psychologist. My relationship with my mission statement and my daily life is not in perfect balance. I sometimes get overwhelmed by my daily life struggles such as money and school work. I need to do a better job of prioritizing what is important and what is not. Even though I feel an “out of balance” with how I am leading my life today and my life's mission statement, overall I am happy. This tells me that my mission is guiding me. If I am asked today about my love for my fiancé, my family and my life . I would say I love my Fiancé. I love my family and I love my life. Continuing to engage in activates that promote this way of thinking is, and will be, my priority.

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