Alexander The Great: The Legacy Of Alexander The Great

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“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.” (Alexander The Great) The legacy of Alexander the great is a legacy that can be felt and enjoyed by many generations and cultures from all parts of the world. The legacy of Alexander starts with his father King Philip II of Macedon Philip ruled Macedon from 359BC until 336BC. Philip took control of the country when it was virtually on the brink of collapse Philip’s brother had just been murdered in a bloody battle that saw 4,000 Macedonians whipped out. Philip also faced internal problems some Macedonians wanted to challenge his thrown and claim it as their own but Philip is much too strong for that. Philip defends his thrown and begins rebuilding …show more content…

In 358BC he fought the Illyrian army with a new and improved Macedonian military that had just adopted the phalanx as the primary weapon for the military. Philip would defeat the Illyrians and force the country under his control after this victory the military became the most important way of life for Macedonian men. In 357BC Philip, married Princess Olympias from Epirus Olympia would give birth to Alexander III. After conquering the Illyrians Philip’s foreign policy would become very aggressive he would go on to attack Athens and conquer Athens as well as securing the gold and silver mines near Mount Pangaeus. He would use the money from the mines to finance his wars. Philip before Alexander can even walk laid the very foundation that Alexander would need to conquer the world. The name Alexander The Great will forever have a place in the history books he has influenced every generation that has come after him and he will influence generations until the Earth is no …show more content…

Many people believe that Alexander was actually a son of Zeus his own father King Philip believed it he believed it so much he sent a messenger to talk to the oracle of Delphine. Alexander grew up very fast one of the first times Philip knew his son was destined for greatness is when Philip was being shown a horse that a man was trying to sell him. The horse would not follow directions and was very unstable Alexander being by his father’s side recognizes something with the horse and immediately takes the horse and faced him towards the sun. Alexander had realized that the horse was afraid of his own shadow he then jumps onto the horse and begins riding the horse. Philip all the while can’t believe what he just saw and begins to weep it said that this becomes Alexander’s favorite horse and he will eventually use the horse in many battles. After seeing what Alexander did with the horse Philip realizes that his son is very gifted mentally this forces Philip to find the best teacher possible for Alexander. Philip sends for Aristotle a student of Socrates and Pluto, this will shape Alexander’s life for the remainder of also it influences who he is and what he will represent. Alexander will go on to be taught Ethics, Politics, Music, Astronomy, Botany, History, Zoology, Rhetoric, and Poetry. Aristotle teaches Alexander to treat every situation differently and analyze every situation before

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