How To Write A Reflection Paper On Leadership

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This reflection paper examines leadership within the public organization, providing some practical examples of leaders managerial responsibilities, and discuss some theories on good leadership. It also discussed some leadership power and the importance of effective communication in coordinating employees in the organization.
In any organization, a leader has to carry out the functions of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, controlling, and implementing the work plan, in order to be successful for any particular task (Holzer and Schwester, 2011). A leader in order to accomplish a purpose need to identify the objectives, or the mission of the organization, organized the responsibilities and activities on who will do what, assign the …show more content…

Other leadership traits that suggested in this theory includes height which may associated with dominance and power, “intelligence, self-confidence, sociability, integrity, diligence, good reasoning skills, and the ability to use persuasive language”. This theory further assumed that “the best leaders are proactive”, persistent, and to show the ability and “willingness to accomplish the task at …show more content…

A leader may apply one of these approaches depend on the followers’ personality and task. However, transformational leadership focusing even more on subordinate’s values, ethics, long-term inspirations, and general workplace needs. Leaders should be of good role model and inspires followers to be creative, innovative, and encourage them to perform with high expectation (Holzer and Schwester, 2011, p.336-337).
Theory of life cycle leadership is when a leader provides direction and emotional support to the followers taking into consideration their maturity level, in terms of motivation to achieve a task, ability to handle responsibility, education and formal training, and experience, and thus excluding the age factor in this maturity.
Holzer and Schwester (2011) also discussed the five basis of power that a leader might possess in order to be effective. This includes the ability to meet followers’ needs, and providing them rewards (reward power); the ability to punish followers (punishment power); the ability to understand and deliver information (expert power); the ability to control and influence others based on position in the organization (legitimate power); and the ability to persuade followers’ to follow instructions based on leader’s charisma and attraction

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