Keeping Your Kids Entertained on a Road Trip

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Up for a road trip? Will it be one of the dreaded long trips for your kids? To help ease your anxiety here is a list you might just need before heading for the long winding roads. Yeah, sure it could be relaxing and pleasant at the start. However, as the hours pass (or minutes for some other families?) your kids might begin to whine and ask “Are we there yet?” And slowly it can turn to worst scenarios like a carload of tantrums, high-pitched crying voices, or an impatient child slowly becoming a vampire- a restless and sleepless child that is. In other words, a pack of kids complaining they have nothing else to do but stare on their windows! Definitely nobody wants to be in these scenarios. That is why for this reason we have come up with ideas that could help you have an enjoyable and smooth road trips as much as possible. So comfort yourselves and look into additional ways to keep your kids entertained on a road trip. Here are some of our ideas to help your kids entertained. One tip of advice dear parents is to let them enjoy their ride as long as they can. Just let them enjoy the views and entertain themselves. This is the trick my husband and I usually do- we don’t ask our child what she wants to do. We let her ask us or wait for the “I don’t have anything else to do” signs. Then that’s the only time we squeeze in the ideas from our list. Hope this trick works for you too! Lastly, savour each moment with your family and take pleasure in! Hope these following ideas can manage your kids’ patience while on the road. Bring your kids’ favourite DVDs, CDs and/or audio books. You can ask your kids ahead of time to assure you those are the kind they want in the car. You can have “drawlots” at home which DVD or CD come... ... middle of paper ... kids use some e-gadgets. On a lighter note, you can download educational ebooks, educational games, or even your kids’ favourite movie to keep them entertained during the long driving hours. Pack your kids’ special blanket and pillow. These are very helpful so include them in your list now! If you see that your kids are becoming restless, suggest for them to take a nap. Insert a CD with soothing music and lower down the volume. Volunteer to be a storyteller and let them snuggle in their blanket and pillow. That’s it. That is the end of our list of helpful ideas to keep your kids entertained during the road trip. Feel free to share and add more ideas. So in this way we could help each other gather up more ideas and techniques. Anyway, all of us want to have a peaceful and happy road trip as much as possible, right? Have a safe vacation and enjoy!

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