Personal Narrative Essay: My Family Trip To The Colorado Mountains

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One of the most enjoyable things in life are road trips, particularly to the Colorado mountains. Getting to spend time with your family and friends, while being in a beautiful place, is irreplaceable. The fifteen-hour road trip may feel never-ending, but gazing at the mountains from afar makes life’s problems seem a little smaller and causes worries to become a thing of the past. Coming in contact with nature, untouched, is a surreal experience. My family trip to the Colorado mountains last summer was inspiring. The road before us seems to stretch for eternity. Driving away from home, the anticipation to get there is overpowering. The best way to pass time is singing along to dad’s 1980’s music. As the billboards flash by I can only catch …show more content…

This area of the world is so foreign to my Oklahoma life; it infuses me with awe, and with an eerie feeling of being strongly enclosed by huge mountains, and the mass of tall trees. However, when my foot first steps onto the dusty trail it feels crazily magical. The clean, crisp air, the new smell of evergreen trees and freshly fallen rain is mixed with fragrances I can only guess at. It is like the world has just taken a steroid of enchantment! I take it all in, and embrace this new place before it leaves like a dream and reality robs the moment. As I turn and look at my family, I was caught by my reflection in their impressions. The hair raising mischief in the car was forgotten and now it was time to be caught up in this newness of life. It was as if the whole world around us had changed and everyone was ready to engulf themselves in it. The trickling of water somewhere in the distance and the faint noise of animals all brought the mountains to …show more content…

His name is Smoke and he was the most beautiful, enormous horse I have ever seen. He was immediately intimidating with his jet black coat of sleek hair. My excitement to ride these mountains with him overcame all my fear. At first I was only able to stay on the saddle by holding onto the saddle horn. Not long after, I felt like I had ridden Smoke my whole life. It was dream-like as we trotted the trails with ease. I could never have chosen a more wonderful way to experience the beautiful Colorado mountains than astride this great horse. We rushed past the Aspen and Cottonwood trees. I caught the far off smell of campfires burning as we walked through fields of wildflowers. The scene laid out on all sides of me seemed to be a whole different

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