Ipod Touch

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The IPod Touch is a portable media player designed and markeyed by Apple Inc. The product was unvieled to the general public September 5, 2007 as part of an event dubbed "The Beat Goes On", featuring the introduction of Cover Flow and Multi Touch to the Ipod line. The IPod Touch can be purchased with 8 or 16 GB of flash memory. It also has a WI-FI and includes safari, Apple's web browser. The IPod touch is the first generation of the IPod line to include wireless access to the itunes store. The IPod touch also has the capability to detect the current and last 10 songs playing in a Starbuck's Cafe within the vicinity. The IPod touch's multi-touch interface is exactly like that of the IPhone. Like the IPhone, the IPod touch include a physical home button seperate from the touch screen. The home screen includes a list of buttons corresponding to the available applications, including Music, Vdeos, Photos, Itunes, Safari, You Tube Mail, Maps, and Widgets. With the January software upgrade, Ipod touch users can add websites to the home screen, for quick and easy access. The IPod touch comes preloaded with 28 wallpaper photos, some of which are figures from the IPod advertisement. (January 15, 2008 Steve Jobs announced at his Mac World 2008 Keynote "The IPod touch consist of five new application: Mail, Maps, Stocks, Notes and Weather").

The IPod touch is a premium-priced device with an attractive set of features for a midsize videoplayer (PVP). The IPod touch is clearly the IPhone's baby brother. Like most products that role out of Apple, the touch shows the love of committed designers, handware engineers, and usability experts. The touch measures a slim and pocketable 4.3 inches by 2.4 inches by 0.31 inch, with an all metal-and-glass design that feels as expensive as it looks. The fave of the IPod touch uses the same scratch-resistant glass found on the IPhone. There are only two physical buttons found on the touch:a button on the face of the player used for calling up the main menu; and a screen deactivation button found on the top left edge of the case. The touch is controlled largely using an icon-based touch screen navigation menu nearly identical to the IPhones, but with greater emphasis placed on music, photo, and video playback.

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