Interpersonal Relationship in The Break-Up Movie

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What is the meaning of the word “relationship”? Most of us hear this word every day, in other words “a state of affairs existing between those having relations and dealings. There are four types of relationships: couple, family, and friend. Most of the relationships can be difficult, romantic relationship seem to be the most complicated types. Sometimes two lovers can care for each others, yet they cannot talk to each others. When a problem occurs between two people for a long time, it most likely will get to a fight and most of the time to end the relationship. While watching The Break-Up movie, showed a lot of elements of the interpersonal relationships. The movie talked about two couple stayed together for a long time. And they started to fight about minor stuff that leads to end the relationship. Gary and Brooke first meet at a game, where he started to talk to her by buying her hot dogs even though she was on a date with someone else but he wanted to get her away from her date, yet he successfully did. Gary works as a tour guide in buses, it’s a family business with his broth...

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