The Indian Removal Act and Louisiana Purchase

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The Indian Removal Act and the Louisiana Purchase was a very important time in the U.S. History and many years to come. In the late 1700s and early 1800s, two major events took place that were turning points for the U.S., The Louisiana Purchase and the Indian Removal Act, these events made an impact socially, economically, and politically. First of all, The United States was out in search for rich soil to plant many fields of cotton. During this search in 1785, they became upon Native Americans who occupied millions of untouched land. In the early 1800s, nearly 125,000 Native Americans disappeared by the end of the decade nearly, very few Natives remained. Second of all, In the result of getting the Natives to give up their land in 1802, the Americans agreed to give the Indians new extensive territory, pay the expense of his removal, and support the natives for the first year in his new home. This policy was generous towards the red man. But little did the Natives know what was ahead of them. In 1836, the policy of the Indian Removal Act was achieved. In 1838, the long jou...

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