Essay About The Purpose Of My College Education

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What is the purpose of getting a college education? The purpose of getting my college education is that I want to take advantage of the opportunity that I have, one that many people don’t. Also, I want to make my family proud of being the first person in my family to graduate college. Another reason why I am getting my college education is to get the career I need to be able to take care and support my family. Education provides what I need to start succeeding for my future, it can give me the tools in need for my career, and help me get through life as an adult.
This generation of youth take the education system for granted, most youngsters have the opportunity to spend their whole childhood going to school to learn as much they can and …show more content…

I was one of those students, I have always struggled in school but my biggest problem was English classes. Growing up nobody in my house knew how to speak English, my family is originally from Vietnam so I grew up speaking Vietnamese, I really did not know how to start speaking English until 4 grade and read until 6 grade. Growing up I was just like Luis and his brother, I was placed on very low-level classes with the slow kids “ I found Rano’s class with the mentally disabled children.” (pg 65) Just like Luis I hated going to, I hated everything about school because everything about school was hard for me. My parents knew I was terrible in school, but just like Luis’s parents my parents never gave up on my education, as poor as we were they would find a way to hire me a tutor because they wanted the best for me. When I got to high school I started doing better, I would fail a class here and there but most of the time I brought home a 3.0 grade point average or higher. During the end of my senior year I did not know if I wanted to college or not, but I thought to myself, my parents did all they can to get me this far, am I really going to stop to get a minimum wage job for the rest of my life or get a college education, my dream career, and make them feel that all the work and time they put in trying to get me doing better in school got for me paid off. That is why I want to

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