Essay On Locked Doors

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In life, one comes across their fair share of closed, and locked doors. Sometimes the door slams shut just as you begin to cross its threshold. Sometimes you spend hours, days, weeks, months, and even years, hoping that by some miracle of chance the door will open. Yes, it's true some merely rot away waiting for doors that have closed, stuck in their same simple mindset that solves nothing. If only they would try thinking in new ways, because maybe then they’d be able to open it. But no, It’s the same dreadful cycle of old thoughts, old ideas, and expired hope. These doors are the creators of misery, and the creators of innovation. All this talk of locked doors seems to neglect those who are locked in by doors, not out. Because, that too is …show more content…

Now, this, of course, got me into some tight spots (pun intended). At the mere age of 4, I had managed to convince myself that I was ready to lock the bathroom door. Now, this isn’t as simple as it seems, it was that kind of lock that was tiny, slippery and whatnot, but of course, midnight was the perfect time to try a new thing. I was so full of my self-inflated sense of maturity and bravery I got myself stuck. Stuck like someone who is in quicksand and doesn’t know how to escape, stuck like someone behind bars. Stuck, stuck, stuck. Alone locked in, I was a prisoner and my jailer was my own stupidity. I grappled with the lock for minutes upon minutes, not wanting my foolishness to be known to my parents, because then I wouldn’t be the grown girl I had thought I was when I initially locked that door. Unfortunately, the lock just wouldn’t unlock. So like any rational four year old would, I screamed at the top of my lungs as tears flowed down my face, as I saw my life flash before my eyes, forever stuck in a bathroom. My parents, doing what rational parents do when they hear their four-year-old screech at the top of their lungs, ran to me. I wish I could say they got me out, but they couldn’t. A million things they must have tried. They attempted to talk me through unlocking the door, they tried to take out the lock, take down the door, anything and everything. But despite all their efforts, I …show more content…

That was when the door came down and there in the doorway was a man with a shiny red hat, that seemed to glow, it was as though its very existence radiated safety. As he picked me up from the sink and handed me to my parents, my eyes didn’t peel away from the scarlet hat. As they talked to my parents, put the door back up, I didn’t look

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