Essay On The Importance Of Security In Prison

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The importance of security to the operation of jail and its main components prison is a facility in which inmates are forcibly confined and denied a variety of freedoms under the authority of the state as a form of punishment, as prisons become more crowded and internal problems arise, it is important to keep control and stability inside and outside of the prison. Security for prisoners require hospitalization at outside medical facilities, officers are highly trained and focuses directly on jail safety and security issues in prisoner disorder management, forced cell extraction, and various non and less lethal weapons systems in order to provide support for all major disturbances that occur within the prison. Physical structure of a prison is extremely …show more content…

Objective prison classification requires a grasp of several key terms, concepts and an understanding of the essential components of a classification system. Classification systems help minimize the potential for prison violence, escape, and institutional misconduct proper classification is crucial to the efficient and safe operation of any prison facility. Three basic forms guide the classification process including the initial screening form use to help identify a prisoner’s emergency needs when inmate is first admitted to the prison system, the initial classification form use to determine the prisoner’s scored custody level on admission to the prison system and the reclassification form is use to reevaluate the prisoner’s scored custody level throughout

his or her incarceration based on his or her institutional conduct.
There are many problems that can occur within a prison system some include: faulty detection systems, result from inadequate training and education on the part of the officer. A guard who is not paying attention may be responsible for putting the

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