What Is The Importance Of Project Management

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Project Management When planning a new project, how the project will be managed is one of the most important factors. The importance of a managers will determine the success of the project. The success of the project will be determined by how well it is managed. Project management is referred to as the discipline that entails the processes of carefully planning, organizing, controlling, and motivating the organization resources so as to foster and facilitate the achievement of specific established and desired goals and meet the specific criteria of success required in the organization (Larson, 2014). Over the course of this paper I will be discussing and analyzing the importance of project management. The importance of project management cannot be overstated. For starters it is important that project management provides a flexibility and structure. Project management creates flexible and well-structured business organizations by combining two organization needs perfectly. The organizational needs are determined by making the organization adaptable due to constant changes in the business, secondly organization is extremely important for creating structure. What is most important is that …show more content…

Project management creates a situation where the workers perform their duties and responsibilities in a structural and devoted manner. With much dedication and focus it is possible to use fewer workers to accomplish and execute a project. Allowing fewer workers to perform a project allows frees up possible persons to work other tasks. The increased efficiency of teams in their tasks is of a consequent meaning that the effectiveness of the organization as whole is increased as well (Larson, 2014). Doing this allows project management the ability to hold people accountable and this makes the workers much more efficient in their tasks than a slew of

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