The Art Of Verbal Communication And The Importance Of Communication

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People communicate in various ways. Good communication is essential to every part of life. Whether it is in parenting, a relationship, or in the work environment. Communication is vital to making any of these successful it can take time to master the art of effective communication. We communicate with much more than words. When we interact with someone, our body has a language of its own. The gestures we make, the way we sit, the way we talk, the amount of eye contact we make all of these non-verbal ways of communicating that impact the message our words are sending. Verbal messaging is communicated via the words that we use. Verbal messaging is an important part of our communication, but the way we communicate nonverbally is equally and sometimes can be more important. Nonverbal communication includes some of the following: tone of voice, rate and volume of speech, how we articulate our words, rhythm, intonation and stress placed on words, facial expression, amount of eye contact we …show more content…

Different cultures have developed language and words through centuries into what it is today. This is why verbal communication is important. Non-verbal communication is not structured; it does not have specific patterns. This can be interpreted in many different ways. However, non-verbal communication is important as it supports verbal communication by adding a certain character to it. But, it does not happen the other way around. Verbal communication is a structured communication as it has rules and gives clear messages. Non-verbal communication keeps going on without interruptions. Even when someone is alone, interpersonal processes keep occurring at individual level. Even once somebody has stopped talking, they can continue to show non-verbal cues. A good example would be, glares after a fight or smiles after something good. On the other hand verbal communication has start points and stop

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