I Love What Thanksgiving and Christmas Stand for

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The Thanksgiving/Christmas season is rapidly approaching. I love these two holidays. I love what they stand for.
Thanksgiving – Thanking God for His fruitful bounty, thanking Him for getting us through another year. The Pilgrims understood that everything they had came from God; I often wonder how much more we would be blessed if more Americans would take that attitude. It is sad seeing the stores open on Thanksgiving. It started a couple years back, stores started opening at midnight, then ten and now some are open four in the afternoon. Thanksgiving and Christmas used to be the two days a year that only emergency people would be working. Christmas of 1978 I ran out of gas just after midnight Christmas morning (Christmas Eve night to some). I worked security, the 4-12 shift. I planned to get gas on my way into work that night. Not a single gas station was open 3pm on Christmas Eve. I made it to work but ended up walking seven miles home after running out of gas about half way. Walking through the Ohio countryside it never occurred to me to be angry or upset about my situation. I pa...

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