I am a Teacher of Post-secondary Education

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The Profound information

Post-secondary teachers instruct students in a variety of academic subjects. Post-secondary teachers also conduct research and publish books ("Postsecondary Teachers"). Most importantly post-secondary teachers help students gain knowledge in a specific course. Although the process of becoming a post-secondary teacher is long, to become a professor, a person needs to have a high level of education, be conscious of job marketability, and the end result will be rewarding.

“When I decided to become a teacher ,I didn’t think about education or how long I would be in school, I just thought about what I wanted to be”(Woodlief). To become a post-secondary teacher, education is a huge part of the process. A post-secondary teacher requires undergraduate and graduate schooling ("Postsecondary Teachers”). Degrees that are required are Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, and a PhD ("Education Teachers, Postsecondary"). PhD is short for doctor of philosophy; it is the top academic degree ("What Is a PhD?"). PhD means to master a specific field ("What Is a PhD?").To get a PhD a person must have a field of study that he/she devotes research time on ("What Is a PhD?"). The field of study can be anything except medicine ("What Is a PhD?"). Schools that offer courses to obtain a bachelor’s degree are 4 year colleges or any community colleges that have the suggested courses for graduate school (Woodlief). Schools that offer Master’s degrees are any university (Woodlief). To obtain a PhD a student must do a doctoral dissertation, which is a paper presenting original research in the student’s field of study ("What Is a PhD?"). Schools that important to consider to attend are Louisiana State University and Washington Univers...

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...rican Federation of Teachers ("Higher Education Organizations"). The main purposes are to advance academic freedom and to define fundamental professional values and standards for higher education ("Higher Education Organizations"). The American Federation of Teachers represents the social, economic, and professional interests of classroom teachers ("Higher Education Organizations").

To conclude Post-secondary teachers may seem to have an easy job, but they have the most important job ever. Post secondary teachers have the duty to inform the next generation with knowledge. Even though post secondary teachers may have flexible hours; however, to attain the job, post secondary teachers must have a high level of knowledge, know where job availability is, and if a person is aware of those two conditions they will have an awarding experience doing something they love.

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