The Criminal Justice System: The Reforms Of The Judicial System

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To say our judicial system is flawed is an understatement. Even with that being said, there is plenty of room for improvements. To run and operate a prison cost tax payers entirely too much money. This money could go towards many other things that could help out our society as a whole. For example, we could build better schools or even set up more funding for daycares or something along those lines. In order to accomplish some of these options, our judicial systems has to make some reforms to how it operates. The treatment of inmates in prison has monumental effects on how a person will act once they are released back into the general public. One aspect that needs much more attention is the violence that occurs in prison needs to be reduced.
As stated in the text, there’s always a chance they could have killed the wrong person. There are advances in forensic science all the time and considering so many have already been exonerated simply due to the advances in DNA testing alone. I think it is a safe assumption that we could do away with the death penalty altogether. Most of the other countries in the world have already abolished it and with good reasons. It saves the country money in the long run and it allows those to suffer the rest of their days in prison which contrary to some popular belief is not an environment where one wants to live out their days. Another way in which the criminal justice system can be improved upon that rarely gets talked about is holding prosecutors responsible for their dereliction of duty. Their negligence could be the direct reason why someone is falsely convicted and yet nothing is done to them for it. They find ways to circumvent crucial evidence and suffer no punitive repercussions. Some prosecutors have even been known to completely piece together or even make up evidence that makes the defendant appear guilty. How is it possible that these individuals get away with these types of activities and experience no legal

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