Howard Crumpton and Anne Gregory

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According to the authors’ Howard Crumpton and Anne Gregory, there is a significant correlation with high school students entering high school with a propensity for low achievement in school, to leave high school as a low achieving student. When considering this ongoing pattern of low achieving students being predisposed to low school success, academic factors need to be targeted in order to reverse this pattern. The authors acknowledge that identifying causes for low achievement was critical to predicting outcomes for ninth and tenth grade students on the lower end of the proficiency spectrum in reading. The one constant identified in this study were low achieving students who showed little or no growth during their high school career. The data analysis included a Pearson r correlation and multiple regression methods. The sample for the study included 44 low achieving students enrolled in high school. Both authors advocated that regardless of the likelihood, it is quite possible to alter academic trajectory positively.


Students in the study were part of a cohort categorized as below proficient students, who were identified from their performances on two high-stakes exams. 50% of the students were male and 50% of the students were female. 68% of the students were identified as black, 21% as white, 2% as Latino, and 95 reported as other. Evidence of low academic performance was identified and collected from their 8th and 9th grade (GPA), that fell between 2.19 and 1.81 on a 4-point scale.

The independent variables for this study were student race and gender. It is important to note that due to limited numbers of non-black students, black students were coded = 1 and all others were coded =...

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... what supports positive engagement in our classrooms for students labeled as low performing, at risk for dropping out, and being suspended or expelled. Regression analyses in this study clearly showed the students who responded positively to everyday schoolwork, significantly increased their overall engagement in school the following year. I get it; I finally get the concepts of regression!

Works Cited

Bobko, P. (1995). Correlation and regression: principals and applications for industrial/organizational psychology and management. McGraw-Hill Publishers, New York, New York. U.S.A

Crumpton, Howard E. and Gregory, Anne (2011) '“I'm Not Learning”: The Role of Academic Relevancy for Low-Achieving Students', The Journal of Educational Research, 104: 1,

42 — 53 to link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/00220670903567398 URL:

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