How I Decided to Come to NCWC

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When I was in high school I didn’t even think that I would go to study to the America at some day. I knew that I would probably have chance to go because many other tennis players from Finland went came to study to universities in the USA. I just wasn’t interested because I was planning to go to study for job of gym teacher. Then in my sophomore year in 2005 I got a phone call from a Vesa Hiltunen. He is from Finland but he has been teacher and tennis coach in Averett University over 30 years. That time when he called me he was working for North Carolina Wesleyan College and for Averett as a player recruiter and he asked if I would be interested to come study and play tennis for one of these two schools. I wasn’t very excited about this opportunity because my goal was still to go study in the Finland. I think that in this case one factor why I didn’t like the idea was that I was value barrier because I thought that I would get better education from university in my home country.

So I continued my high school and in my senior year in 2006 I started to realize that it would be very difficult to get in for university in Finland since my grades were not very good. Main reason for that was that I was too lazy to study. So when I finally graduated from my high school in spring of 2007 I realized that my grades were not enough for any of those universities I wanted to go and I decided to accomplish my non-military service. That is an option for military service where I didn’t want to go. I was working in the school that 13 months what was required and I was able to think my future options.

So when Vesa Hiltunen called me again on winter of 2006 I was more open to his ideas about studying in the USA. So first I started to think this ne...

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...r and especially understanding of language is significantly better. I have also got many good friends from different countries like from Russia, Brazil, and Sweden. And I have seen American culture where fast-food and drive-in possibilities are endless. I was shocked when I saw that even in the bank it is possible to use drive-through line. Americans are very friendly and that was nice when I came here and everything was new. At the same time I have to say that some of the Americans are very two-faced and untrustworthy. For example some girls from the tennis team don’t know that it is little bit rude to be two hours late from the dinner. And then some people are watching me and my girlfriend like we have done something terrible because we are not married and we live together and same time they think that WWF fighting is a great entertainment and hunting is so funny.

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