Understanding the Role of the Holy Spirit in Modern Church

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1. Pentecost was a one-time event. We don’t need to repeat Pentecost as the NT church today in fact we can’t. As the church we should partner with the Holy Spirit to continue the work he has started. When we do this we allow the Holy Spirit to do his will in our lives.

2. The Holy Spirit is for everyone. When the Holy Spirit came in Acts it fell on everyone who was in the room not just certain people. According to verse 17 the sign of the Holy Spirit is that you speak. When the Holy Spirit comes on falls on you the only response is to tell people about it. As the NT church today we should be cautious not to put limits on the Holy Spirit.

3. Choosing someone to lead. When choosing leaders for our churches today it needs to be someone who …show more content…

The resurrection put away the pains of death. “But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him”(Acts 2:24). Here on earth people experience death but because of the resurrection death no longer has a hole on those who believe in Jesus. As Christians we have the reassurance of life after death this is all made possible by Jesus death burial and …show more content…

There is power in unity the NT church saw the importance of unity and meeting together as believers. We see in Acts 2:44 “All the believers were together and had everything in common”. When the church is together and unified around a common cause that cause being Jesus Great things can happen. We were not made to do life alone that is why we have to church.

3. Baptismal is important we make to little of it. We know that one is not saved by the act itself. Salvation is only through Jesus Christ. Baptismal is an outward example of an inward change. It lets the word know that you are following in Christ footsteps you have die to self and raise to walk in new life. Baptism is important because Jesus did it and we should follow in his example. This way people can see that we have made a commitment to give Jesus our lives.

4. It’s not always about the physical. We need to be careful not to meet a physical need just so the person will move on and get out of our way. Jesus always meets a physical need before meeting a spiritual one. We too should look for an opportunity to meet a spiritually need out of meeting a physical

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