HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus

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HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a virus that damages the human immune system and leaves HIV-positive people susceptible to many opportunistic infections and cancers. HIV leads to AIDS or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV/AIDS has no cure or preventative vaccine but there are many affective treatments that allow HIV-positive people to lead long lives and preventative measures to protect others from HIV transmission.
HIV is believed to be originated in other primates in the Twentieth Century. Scientists have identified a type of West African chimpanzee as the original source of the virus. Researchers believe that the chimpanzee version of the virus called SIV was transmitted to humans and mutated into HIV. Hunters would become exposed to infected blood of the chimpanzees when they hunted them for meat. Since then HIV spread to a larger portion of the human population once Africa became less isolated.
HIV attacks the body’s immune system. This virus destroys helper T-cells called CD4 cells and uses them to make copies of itself. These CD4 cells are white blood cells, which help the body fight off diseases. HIV weakens the immune system and makes people much more susceptible to infections and diseases. Many people who are infected with HIV do not have any symptoms. Symptoms do not usually develop until the immune system has been significantly weakened and symptoms are generally related to infections and cancers a person gets due to a damaged immune system. HIV has three stages: acute infection, clinical latency, and AIDS.
The first stage of HIV is acute infection. Acute infection usually begins within two to four weeks of HIV infection. During this period people experience flu-like symptoms and ...

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...S and lowered the risks of transmission.

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