Health Factors And Social Determinants To Health

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Health Factors

Health factors had multiple subthemes. The subthemes linked directly to individual behaviors and social determinants to health. Discussion of health behaviors correlated to an individuals like style and actions to maintain health. Diet, exercise, safe sex, and happiness are pivotal to health. There was the impression that “exercise, healthy eating, mental health as well as physical health”, “being healthy, getting shots, eating healthy”, and having a “positive outlook” impacted wellness.

Within the health factors, domain social determinants to health lead the discussion especially those linked to socioeconomic status. This relates directly to economic stability, education, social and community cultural factors. A participant mentioned that socioeconomic status has a major impact on health especially as it relates to insurance status, "They change if you are sick; the insurance charges you a lot, easy to get sick but hard to heal.” While others echoed this sentiment by mentioning “affordable and accessible healthcare” as essential to health. Another aspect of social determinants to health related to “access to healthy food and produce, affordability”. Participants elaborated on the cost of food and housing costs, “Money is a problem as many people in the county do not know people are suffering in their lives or that they have problems”. Homelessness was mentioned as a growing problem in …show more content…

Much of this discussion did not link directly to educational attainment but health education, communication, and access to health care for children in schools. “Health education and health literacy connects to have a place to get culturally appropriate information. You don’t want to get bad information.” The association between health education and health behavior choices was illustrated in this comment, “Education on effects of foods and the types of diets how they impact us later in

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