Social And Health Disparities In The Health Care System

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For many decades, Americans’ health has been greatly impacted by many social, economic and environmental determinants (Plough, 2015). These social, economic, and environmental determinants include income, education, ethnicity, natural and built environment. These factors create the health disparities in the health care system. The culture of health has changed over the last several generations. Health is viewed as not just needing to seek health care, but rather to recognize all aspects of people’s lives that support an active and healthy lifestyle and environment. The aspects can be their work, families and comminutes (Plough, 2015). Many communities, regions, and states are working together to create the culture of health by redefining the meaning of getting heathy and staying healthy. These communities, regions and states are addressing the social, physical, economic environment that people live in. The Americans can overcome the multitude of disparities and creates equalities with the help that directs resources, research, compassion and community involvements (Maughan, 2014). Health disparities are not just a health issue, it is a combination of financial issues, racial issues, education issues and others. Nursing leaders can address these health disparities differently. For example, …show more content…

The committee or task force then need to develop an initial step by step action plan to guide the community such providing interpreter services, resources for low-income families to have access to health care and other actions. Then, the nursing leaders need to lead the committee and develop nursing policy to reflect and support these actions. Lastly, these policies should be establishing with a timeline goal for it to be implemented (Massachusetts General Hospital,

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