Gun Control: Less Government Restrictions

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A New Jersey woman told police of how two men tried to open her front doors of her car at the same time. In the driver seat she reached for her gun, pulled it out and screamed. The two men fled the scene. “On Feb. 3, 1997 outside a bar in Mexico a female used a gun to stop a man from raping her" (Gale 88). A college park woman shot and killed an armed assailant who tried to car-jack her in her van with her 1 year old daughter inside. These and many other examples are of how and when handguns can save your life. Because people need handguns to protect themselves, the government should not place more restriction on them. Gun control laws are getting stricter and stricter as time goes on. The first gun control law was “passed by Congress in 1927 when it outlawed the mailing of firearms" (Thomas16). This law meant that all concealable firearms could not be shipped through the mail. The reason why was guns were able to be bought and traded through the post office. suddenly there was a consontration on gun control this was due to the fact that "after the assassination attempt on FDR’s life the major concern of gun control was brought up" (Thomas 15). Because many American’s didn’t want criminals to be allowed to purchase guns, gun laws got stricter. This led to the firearms act of 1934. "The firearms act of 1934 imposed a $200 tax on full autos and sawed-off shotguns. These laws also made people go through FBI background checks to obtain these weapons" (Thomas 16). Full autos are firearms that will continue to fire as long as the trigger is held down. Sawed-off shot guns are shot guns that have extremely short barrels allowing them to be concealed. In the 1960s there was another increase in gun control. The increase was because “I... ... middle of paper ... ...most desprite times. In a world where there is violence daily and many gun crimes there is a need for absolute protection. This type of protection stops an attacker emiditly. Making harsh regulations on guns is similar to making harsh regulations on cars. Giving the keys to a person who has never driven before is extremely dangerous, they need to take classes and go through the proper licensing and tests, this is how guns work today. By limiting and making gun laws stricter the law abiding citizens are enable to have defense in the most despite times. All people hope they never have to defend themselves, however if they do have to they want to be able to and this is with a handgun. In conclusion the current gun laws are fair enough in that they limit criminals from getting them and they allow law abiding citizens to obtain them. Gun laws should not be made stricter.

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