Essay On Greenhouse Effect

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The greenhouse effect is the process of warming the earth’s surface and is a natural procedure, this is happening from the sun’s heat being radiated into the earth’s atmosphere and …… by green house gases whilst some is radiated back into space (warmed) through infrared radiation from the sun, Greenhouse gases capture the heat radiated from the sun to heat the earth and sustain a stable temperature for life on earth. These greenhouse gases mainly include: carbon dioxide, methane, fluorinated gases, and nitrous oxide. A lot of these gases exist naturally but also through human activity, without them the earth would be an average of 30 degrees Celsius colder this would impact the effectiveness of the running of ecosystems.

Greenhouse gases …show more content…

Carbon Dioxide is the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, followed by methane. There is a substantial amount of gases that are produced through human activities such as generating electricity, transport, industries, agriculture, commercial and residential impacts, deforestation, soil degradation, (whilst forest regrowth takes it out of the atmosphere. The larger build up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is causing problems to the climate of earth; it’s increasingly warming the planet to higher temperatures than required.

Effects/ Impacts of Global …show more content…

According to global sea levels had risen around 8 inches between 1980-2009. Sea levels are rising because of warmer oceans and this makes the oceans expand, and ice sheets are melting therefore more water is generated in the ocean and the oceans need to expand to accommodate for the extra water. Some effects associated with this include: currently used land areas to be submerged in water, erosion of shorelines, storm surges to reach further inland, and saltwater seeping into groundwater resulting in higher salinity levels of fresh

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