Disney's Success In The Success Of Walt Disney

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No one can be exempt from experiencing the hardships in life. Great success comes from failures. But not everyone has great success because they do not continue on after the failures. Some of us instead give up rather than continue to venture forward to achieve our goals and dreams. With that in mind, it is important to look at what motivates humans to continue on after failures. Walt Disney like everyone else in this world had successful ventures and complete failures. But, unlike those people who just give up after failing one time. Walt Disney kept on going and he soon succeeded. Walt Disney moved forward because of his goals and perseverance in life. There were many people who talked about Disney’s life, Neal Gabler stresses Disney’s early commitment to innovation’’(Gabler, 2006, p. 121). And as Schickel notes, ‘‘Mickey would become a symbol of the unconquerably chipper American spirit in the depths of the Depression’’(Schickel,1998, p.124). In essence, as shown by his life, his thoughts on work and achievements and his thought on his career and family, Walt Disney was motivated mostly by the goals he wished to achieve that had to do with motivation for art and his family rather than the being motivated by someone with incentives or being seemingly …show more content…

Instead, he decided to stick to trying to accomplish his goals in life. As he is quoted with saying, ‘‘All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.’’ How to Be Like Walt : Capturing the Magic Every Day of Your Life (2004) by Pat Williams p. 63(cite). He felt that critics not the audience he cared about reaching and instead stuck to a different sort of goal.‘‘ We 're not trying to entertain the critics … I 'll take my chances with the public.’’ "Disneyland, 1955: Just Take the Santa Ana Freeway to the American Dream" by Karal Ann Marling, in American Art(Winter-Spring 1991)

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