Speech To Serve A Mission

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Good morning everybody! (Grateful for the opportunity to speak, thank you to those who have come to support me...etc)

Share where you’ve been called to serve- Knoxville, Tennessee, English speaking, and I report to the Provo MTC on the 29th.

I’m going to quickly share a little bit about how I came to the decision to serve a mission. When I was younger, the thought of a mission really appealed to me, but, I used to think “21 is wayyy too old...I don’t want to wait that long, besides, I’ll probably be married by then!” Then when I was 16, they lowered the mission age for sisters to 19. I was really excited because 19 was a lot closer than 21 so it made serving a mission seem like something that I could actually do, because the desire was definitely there. As a went through high school and graduated, i began to feel pressure to have everything the world tells us we should have. College, money, tons of friends, etc.. So I began thinking a mission just wasn’t for me. And then, at the end of my first semester of college, I just felt like something was missing from my life. I find the best way to put it is I felt like I was trying to skip a step in the plan that my Father in Heaven already had for me. So I began praying, and asking Heavenly Father what he wanted me to do. Then I had the opportunity to go to a YSA fireside where Elder M. Russell Ballard spoke, and it was then that I received the answer to my prayers, I needed to go on a mission. The prompting was so clear, and I could feel the love that the Lord has for me so strongly. I told my parents the next day about my desire to serve a mission, …show more content…

Today is a day where we honor our fathers (or grandfathers, uncles, stepfathers, etc…) and show gratitude for all they do for us. I can’t help but feel that we should also take a moment of our day today (and everyday, for that matter) to kneel in prayer and thank our Heavenly Father for all he has done for us and all he has blessed us

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