Essay On The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas

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In the story, “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” by Le Guin, it suggests that as humans we are responsible for the sufferings of other people. It is clearly portrayed through the story that Americans live in their own little bubble, and do not like to see the bad that goes on in the world. Which in some cases can be true, I personally hate seeing the news somedays, it is hard to watch people dying or terrorist attacks happening. The world can be a scary place, but it is the world we live in and we can’t hide from the world, it is far too big. The question we are asked to answer for this assignment is, are we responsible for the sufferings of people in third world countries, especially children? First of all, do you remember back when the thirteen colonies were controlled by Europe and most people thought the earth was flat? Many people sacrificed their lives to come over to the “New World” and some did not come over as free people. America did not get where it is today by just the flip of a switch. Many people died and worked hard to get America where it is today. Martin Luther King Jr, for example, was a civil rights activist and is known for his I Have a Dream speech. In his speech, he painted a
This is when said person raises money and takes off time to go over to help the poorer countries like Africa. They can be going over there to help build houses, plant gardens, and often times just to spread their joy with the children and families that live there. A mission trip is an amazing opportunity not a responsibility to go out of the comfort of you perfect house and step into the dirt floors of other countries. Open up your hearts to help other people, not because of the responsibility that has been bestowed upon you, because you don’t have a responsibility, but do it because you have been blessed with an opportunity to help other

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