Parent Teacher Conference Essay

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A parent-teacher conference is a short meeting or conference between the parents and teachers of students to discuss children’s progress at school and find solutions to academic or behavioral problems. Just by the definition that was stated above, one would believe that more parents would schedule an appointment with the teacher to see how their children are doing. Most do not; some parents have very good reasons while others not so much. Parent-teacher conferences have many benefits, parents get the teachers opinion, it is a face to face conferences allowing for no miscommunication that might have happened otherwise. The conference goal is to find a plan to help the student.
With conferences, the parent will get, finally, the missing puzzle …show more content…

When the parent(s) read a note, for example, that reads: “Your child is disruptive in my class every day, please do your parenting job.” What the parent hears in this simple note is disrespect and the questioning of their authority as a parent. When in reality, the teacher may not have chosen the right words to ask the parents to communicate with their children. Parents can ask anything to help make everything clearer to them during the conference. Face to face meetings will help with the communication as well. Parents will hear it from the horse’s mouth as the phrase goes. It will be a set time so that there is no interruption and to where the parent can get to the bottom of the …show more content…

Though this seems wrong, there are parents out there like this, it is seen more in families that have the higher income. Of course, there are parents who just simply cannot make it because of work, they are trying to provide for their family and cannot afford to miss even one day, these parents have my respect and their children will grow up wonderfully and learn to earn everything they need. Then there is the case where some students are excelling in school and parents find it silly to go and talk with the teacher. The student has worked their tails off and deserves to at least have their parents go down and speak with the teacher to hear how hard they have worked. So in simple it is best to go to the parent-teacher conference if

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