Government and Totalitarianism in "1984" by George Orwell

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1984 by George Orwell is a very interesting book that has the power to lure the reader for a long time. Its cold and in a way scary tone, makes the reader feel as if he/she are really experiencing the events in the book. This means that the use and manipulation of the words are done in a unique way. This of course is George Orwell’s individual style. The novel has a number of up’s and down’s making the reader always be on his toes. Additionally the book has a numerous amount of themes and symbols, which help convey the world and atmosphere to the reader. All these factors combined, make 1984 a respectable and matchless book to read.

Themes play a major part in this book. Not only does it contain a copious amount of them, but also the majority of the themes are globally debatable. Like for example the themes of: “Propaganda” and “The danger of living under a Totalitarian regime”. Both these themes have been problematic to the world and have even made a mark in world history. An example of this would be ‘The Soviet Union’. Such importance towards the themes just adds to the flavor of the book.

The theme and concept of propaganda is introduced to the reader straight from the beginning of the book, when we read “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU”. The significance of this poster with the big man and his face covered, is to send all the citizens a message that there is no escape from the controlling eyes of the government. It is a message to input fear into people, thus making them frightened to go against the government. Never the less, the aspect of the man’s face being covered, symbolizes a ‘you can’t see us, but we can see you’ type of game. The government controls everything that is being released to the public, in other words they choose exactly what to tell the citizens. In spite of if it is true or not. This poses full control over the knowledge and reality of the people. One can even say that the citizens are not living in a reality, but the opposite, they are living in a reality made for them.

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