Globalization: The Case for Contamination an Article by Kwame Appiah

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Globalization has it's obvious ups and downs. In Kwame Appiah's article "the case for contamination" he makes it clear that he favors globalization but doesn't ignore the contradictions and set backs that globalization brings. Globalization offers other countries different perspectives on life and cultural ideas. Kwame Appiah uses a story about visiting his home land to show how two cultures can merge successfully without one over imposing its views on the other. While waiting for the king to arrive, a very cultural and traditional ceremony, many people stood in business suits with phones in hand. Yet these modern westernized products did not change the overall customs and cultural beliefs of these people. They are not being over run with technology or westernized ideas. They have simply adapted them into their own culture. Appiah is very opinionated and uses his own religion as well as other religions as an example to get his point across but he never pushes or tries to influence the reader by these religions. He has travelled and had close relationships with people of different cultures, customs and places. This makes him appear knowledgeable in the field of cultural globalization and ethics in world affairs. Appiah illustrates his view on the difference of isolating a culture to preserve it and letting it choose its own path to evolve with the times. He uses this same idea in the way he writes ultimately letting the reader choose their own stance on the topic. Without any hesitation I agree with the authors point of view that giving a person the individual opportunity to chose what to adapt or exclude in there life is the most fair and beneficial situation.
Upon the topic of globalization Appiah clearly states that there is ...

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...itation and revision.

Works Cited

Appiah, Kwame Anthony. "The Case For Contamination." The New York Times. The New York Times, 31 Dec. 2005. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.
Benlolo, Elaine. "The Case for Contamination by Kwame Anthony Appiah Essay - Term Papers - Elianebenlolo."StudyMode. N.p., June 2012. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.
Dixon, Will. "Will Dixon's ECO 108 Site: Critical Analysis: The Case for Contamination." Will Dixon's ECO 108 Site: Critical Analysis: The Case for Contamination. Class Summary, Oct. 2010. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.
Gehrlein, William V. "A Comparative Analysis of Measures of Social Homogeneity." A Comparative Analysis of Measures of Social Homogeneity - Springer. N.p., 14 Apr. 1987. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.
Okpych, : Nathanael. "Policy Framework Supporting Youth Aging-out of Foster Care through College."Children Youth Service Review (2012): n. pag. Science Direct. Web.

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