Essay On Gender Roles

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Throughout our history it has been made evident that society has treated men and women differently. Masculinity has been the main factor the gender relations of society and female domesticity was common in family lives. Even today gender based double standards are thriving in society. From 18th century social standards to advertisements in the media today, double standards exist and evolved. Historically, the roles of men and women have evolved overtime. For thousands of years, static gender roles were the accepted norm. In the 18th century “the idea that women and men naturally possess distinct characteristics” was a view that many people had (Emsley). Women were believed to be controlled by their emotions whereas men were thought of as …show more content…

World Wars I and II both lead to significant changes of the female role in the United States. As more and more men were shipped off to war, there was a decline in workforce and leadership roles needed to be filled. This is where women stepped in and had jobs in industries that were originally dominated by men. “Rosie the Riveter” became a cultural icon for women in the work force. This icon convinced American housewives that they had a patriotic duty to help out in the war. In the 19th century, the Women’s Suffrage Movement helped change roles by advocating the right for women to vote. Female’s inferior social position was questioned by feminist writers. They fought for the rights of women and redefining the traditional gender roles. These movements and advancements lead to a change in gender roles in the 21st …show more content…

Gender roles are now beginning to change at home and work. In a study released, by the Pew Research Center, “40% of all households with children under the age of 18 include mothers who are either the sole or primary source of income for the family” (Wang). Married women are now becoming the “breadwinner” of the family. Although gender roles are beginning to shift, society still has not grown out of its gender stereotypes and double standards are more evident in mainstream media. Mass media plays a large and significant role in today society. From the internet and newspapers to the television and magazines, certain messages are broadcasted at a fast pace. With ever-changing trends, men women, are always trying to portray what they see in ads. Some advertisements show beautiful women who have the ideal thin body with a man. Young boys and girls can be manipulated into thinking that certain behaviors or jobs are only for the other gender. Girls are shown playing with dolls or playing house where as boys are shown playing

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